Originally from Latvia, Jacob lived in Reno, Nevada, and regularly purchased bolts of cloth from the wholesale house of Levi Strauss& Co. 雅各布是拉脱维亚人,住在内华达州的里诺市。他总是定期从李维•施特劳斯的批发行购买成匹的布料。
Unwilling to borrow from the local bank at exorbitant interest, he sought out the collector from the Shanghai wholesale house, to plead with him as a friend for a delay of another day or two. 他还是不肯花重利去借庄款,他去和上海号家的收账客人情商,请他再多等这么一天两天。
"Did you ever hear any more from that wholesale house?" “那家批发行有什么消息给你吗?”